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3 Unique and Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Basket Ideas for Girlfriend

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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to express your love than with a carefully curated gift basket? This year, go beyond the traditional bouquet of roses and surprise your girlfriend with a personalized touch. We’ve put together three enchanting Valentine’s Day gift basket ideas that blend skincare, self-care, jewelry, and fashion to make her feel truly cherished.

1. Spa Retreat Basket:

For the girlfriend who needs a well-deserved spa night or loves to stay in.


A set of luxurious sheet masks or a high-quality facial mask.

We recommend:


A scented soy candle or essential oil diffuser for relaxation.

Practical Room Decor:

A cute small mirror, sunset lamp, or something else that brings her peace.


Cozy, plush bathrobe or a cute pajama set.

Sweet Treat:

Gourmet chocolate truffles or artisanal sweets. Get her favs. Could also be some other snacks or beverages that she likes!

2. Glamorous Night Out Basket:

For the girlfriend who loves to dazzle, a glamorous night out basket is the perfect choice.


A radiant, hydrating skin primer or highlighter for a glowing complexion.

We recommend:


A chic silk sleep mask for a touch of luxury during the post-party sleep.


A pair of classic, statement earrings to enhance the evening look. Definitely make sure whether your girlfriend is a silver girlie or a gold girlie.


A stylish clutch or evening purse to complement her outfit. Alternatively, you could get her a simple, classy, going out mini dress. We recommend:


A small, elegant perfume bottle for a subtle and enchanting scent. Make sure it’s her favourite one!

3. The Pink Basket:

For the girlfriend who is a hopeless romantic, loves pink, and loves this holiday.


A set of pink themed skin care items.


Find out which of her favourite makeup product is running out, and get her a replacement. Make sure to get the same shade, and be sure that she likes the shade and the product! Browse makeup products

Hand-Written Item:

Put some effort into writing a lovely letter to your girlfriend. It can be of qualities why you love her, or cute memories you two have together.


Warm and fuzzy slippers or a PJ set for comfort.

Culinary Delight:

If you can, bake her heart shaped cookies or cupcakes, and frost them with pink frosting and sprinkles. You will definitely win her heart by putting in the effort. If your girl likes boujee stuff, get her a pretty cake or a nice piece of jewelry (NOT HEART THEMED, trust us).

Browse all Valentine’s Day gift ideas

Remember, the key is to tailor the baskets to her preferences and interests. You can also include a heartfelt handwritten note expressing your love and appreciation. Happy Valentine’s Day planning!

Happy Valentine’s Day,


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