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Beach Day Essentials: Everything You Need for a Perfect Day

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With the sun shining, the waves crashing, and the sand between your toes, a beach day is the epitome of summer bliss. But before you head out for a day of seaside relaxation, it’s essential to pack all the right essentials to ensure a fun and comfortable experience. From sun protection to entertainment and everything in between, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of beach day must-haves to help you make the most of your time by the shore.

Sun Protection:

Sunscreen: Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Don’t forget to reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.

Sunglasses: Shield your eyes from the sun’s glare with a stylish pair of sunglasses that offer UV protection.

Here are 7 Trendy Sunglasses to Look Your Absolute Best This Summer

Hat: A wide-brimmed hat provides extra protection for your face and neck, keeping you cool and shaded throughout the day.

Browse beach hats

How to choose the perfect sunscreen?

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Sunscreen for Every Skin Type

Beach Gear:

Beach Towel: Opt for a large, absorbent towel to lounge on while soaking up the sun or drying off after a refreshing dip in the ocean.

Browse beach towels

Beach Umbrella or Tent: Create your own shady oasis with a beach umbrella or tent to escape the midday sun and relax in comfort.

Browse beach umbrellas and beach tents

Beach Chair or Blanket: Whether you prefer to sit up or stretch out, a beach chair or blanket provides a comfortable spot to relax and unwind.

Browse beach chairs and blankets

Hydration and Snacks:

Water Bottle: Stay hydrated under the sun by bringing along a reusable water bottle filled with cold water or your favorite hydrating beverage. Browse cute water bottles

Snacks: Pack a cooler with a variety of snacks like fresh fruit, sandwiches, and granola bars to keep hunger at bay throughout the day. Browse snacks


Beach Games: Keep the fun going with beach-friendly games like volleyball, frisbee, paddleball, or beach soccer, but also board games.

Browse board games

Reading Material: Bring along a good book or magazine to enjoy while lounging on the sand, letting the sound of the waves serve as the perfect backdrop to your reading experience.

Browse books

Waterproof Speaker: Create a beach playlist and bring along a waterproof speaker to set the mood with your favorite tunes.

Browse waterproof speakers

Comfort and Convenience:

Flip-Flops or Sandals: Protect your feet from the hot sand and sharp shells with a comfortable pair of flip-flops or sandals.

Check out our blog post: The Most Popular Birkenstock Styles and How to Style Them

Beach Bag: Keep all your essentials organized and easily accessible with a spacious beach bag to carry towels, sunscreen, snacks, and more.

Browse beach bags

Wet Wipes: Cleanse your hands and wipe away sand and sunscreen residue with refreshing wet wipes for a quick and convenient cleanup.

Browse wet wipes

Looking for inspo on what to wear to the beach? This blog post can help:

How to Effortlessly Slay Your Vacation Outfits

Now you’re all set for some beach day fun with the girls! Whether you’re lounging on the shore, playing beach games, or simply soaking up the scenic views, having the right gear and supplies ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience by the sea. So grab your beach bag, gather your friends and family, and get ready for a memorable day of seaside adventure!

Enjoy the sun,
